JAKARTA - Tanah Abang Polic Chief, Kompol Patar Mula Bona explained, the perpetrators of ticket fraud for the Indonesia vs Argentina football match were selling at a price of IDR 650 thousand for category three.
"The original ticket price was IDR 600,000, but the perpetrator sold category three for IDR 650,000. So it was as if he was looking for a profit of 50,000," said Kompol Bona when confirmed, Monday, June 19.
Kompol Bona appealed to people who want to watch the match between the Indonesian National Team and the Argentina National Team to be more careful when buying tickets. Especially the tickets sold by brokers.
"So we need to be careful because his party has got fake tickets made by these perpetrators. The difference between the types of counterfeit tickets is the type we secure, this is category 3, so the original and fake tickets (the difference) are easily torn," he said.
Previously it was reported, as many as 4 perpetrators of selling counterfeit tickets for the Indonesian National Team vs Argentina National Team football match were arrested by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tanah Abang Metro Police on Monday, June 19.
The Head of Tanah Abang Police, Kompol Patar Mula Bona, said that the four suspected perpetrators were arrested on Sunday evening, June 18. The four consisted of 3 men and 1 woman.
"Yes (4 people were arrested) at around 19.00 WIB at Gelora Bung Karno (GBK). Meanwhile, there were 4 suspected perpetrators and their colleagues, 3 men and 1 woman," said Kompol Bona when confirmed, Monday, June 19, Afternoon.
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