
PDI-P politician (PDIP) Budiman Sudjatmiko spoke about the issue of people power which was later echoed by the Chairman of the Ummat Party Syuro Council, Amien Rais.

Budiman said that people power or mass mobilization movement to topple the legitimate state regime suddenly could not have happened if it was only based on the anger of a handful of political elites.

"People's power can only occur when the people are angry widely. People's anger and anger from the elite can be different, it can be the same. People's anger is because the political and economic burdens are integrated and unbearable," Budiman said on his Twitter account, @budimandjatmiko, Sunday 18 June.

He said that the people power movement could only be realized if the political elite's anxiety was similar to that felt by the people.

"The direction is elite? 1. It can be because of the anger of the people," said Budiman.

Budiman then explained a number of factors that underlie the anger of the political elite alone without being based on what the people suffered. One of them is because the political elite lost in an honest and fair political battle.

Such factors, he said, would not create people power because they were driven by the wishes of the political elite.

"2. Because they lost a fair political battle (this cannot move people power). 3. Because they lost an unfair battle, but this elite has been in power of corruption in the past (people power cannot be moved because its elite is historically flawed)," he said.

Amien Rais echoed the call for people power during the "26th Star Mega Anniversary in the National Dialogue with the theme "People Ask, When People Power" in Solo on Sunday 11 June.

Furthermore, the call to remove President Joko Widodo's government was continued by the General Chairperson of the Ummat Party, Ridho Rahmadi, who is Amien Rais' son-in-law.

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