
JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo was asked to explain regarding the implementation of wealth reporting rules for members of the Bhayangkara Corps. This statement was in response to the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Komjen Agus Andrianto, who was highlighted because he last reported the State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN) in 2016 worth IDR 1.7 billion. "It is more appropriate to ask the National Police Chief. Is the Regulation of the Head of the Indonesian National Police Number 8 of 2017 concerning Reporting Reports "The Assets of State Administrators within the Indonesian National Police are still valid?" said a police observer from the Institute for Security and Strategic Studies (ISESS) Bambang Rukminto to reporters, Friday, June 16. According to him, the implementation of Perkap Number 8 of 2017 must be consistent. So, no wild issues have developed regarding members of the National Police. Bambang also suggested that the National Police Chief impose strict sanctions on members of the National Police, including high-ranking officers (pati), who do not "To me, it is better to encourage the National Police Chief to consistently enforce his own regulations by sanctioning all his staff who are not disciplined in conveying the LHKPN," he said. Especially for Komjen Agus Andrianto, Bambang does not deny that it will take time to prepare the LHKPN. However, this must be done in order to avoid slanted issues. Moreover, the three-star general has recently been hit by issues about his involvement in the mining mafia and so on. "Time has been down since 2016, with promotions "A very high position until now is not a short time to arrange an LHKPN if you want," said Bambang. Previously, the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) highlighted the LHKPN Kabareskrim Polri Komjen Agus Andrianto which was considered odd. Because, the last time reporting in 2016 with a total wealth of Rp1.7 billion. YLBHI uploaded the alleged irregularity on the Instagram account @yayasanlbhidonesia. It is narrated that the amount does not match his wife's luxurious lifestyle. "The wealth The head of Bareskrim Polri, Komjen Agus Andrianto deserves the spotlight. This is because his wife is known to often show off luxurious lifestyles such as bags of tens of millions, to holidays abroad. Even though in the report, Agus Andrianto's wealth in 2016 only reached 1.7 billion," said the written narrative. Then, it was also stated that Komjen Agus Andrianto had only reported his assets to the KPK three times.

In fact, when referring to the National Police Chief Regulation (Perkap) Number 8 of 2017, every high-ranking National Police official is required to report LHKPN to the KPK. "Obligence to this LHKPN report at least indicates that Agus Andrianto covered his wealth and source of income. Based on a number of reports, Agus' name was linked to the case of alleged receipt of illegal coal mining gratuities that dragged Ismail Bolong's name," he said.

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