The government through the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenhub RI) released a Circular (SE) which contains the latest travel rules in 2023. This was done after the issuance of SE Task Force COVID-19 Number 1 of 2023 which explained health protocols during the transition to the COVID-19 endemic.
In the latest SE of the Ministry of Transportation, there is an explanation of the rules and conditions for transportation travel carried out by the community, including land, sea, air and rail travel. All travelers both outside and within the country must try to protect themselves from the transmission of COVID-19. In addition, there are rules that must be considered, namely as follows.
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As is known, there are 4 SE of the Ministry of Transportation which contains prokes rules as a condition for community travel in public transportation during the endemic transition period. The four SE of the Ministry of Transportation are as follows.
That's the latest travel rules for 2023. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.
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