
JAKARTA - The presidential candidate who is also a PDI-P politician, Ganjar Pranowo, emphasized his commitment to continue to struggle to maintain the diversity of Indonesian culture and care for the nation's cultural heritage.

This was conveyed while attending a volunteer gathering at the Gelora Delta Sidoarjo Stadium, East Java, Saturday, June 10. He admitted that he was amazed by the euphoria of the volunteers who came.

The agenda was attended by tens of thousands of sympathizers from various organizations. Not only volunteers, this agenda was also attended by dozens of capital artists who were gathered in the Indonesian Artists Association (GSI).

"East Java is complete. I am really touched, because they prepared all of this," said Ganjar when met after the agenda entitled 'Caring for the soul of the archipelago, the Gathering of Ganjar Pranowo Volunteers'.

Ganjar arrived at around 16.20 WIB, accompanied by the Head of the Volunteer Coordination Team for the Victory of the PDI-P Presidential Election Ahmad Basarah. Also accompanying the Secretary of the East Java PDI-P DPD Sri Untair Bisowarno and the Head of the East Java PDI-P Bappilu Deni Wicaksono.

In addition, the Mayor of Surabaya Eri Cahyadi and Gresik Regent Fandi Akhmad Yani and a number of other groups were also seen. A number of artists to cultural performances were featured in the activity. Ganjar made no political statements this time. He only explained that the activity depicted the spirit of diversity.

"This is what I discuss with artists. That we must develop our cultural strategy. Cultural arts infrastructure is important. And they are ready to show their work," added Ganjar.

In the national oration in front of the tens of thousands of volunteers, the Governor of Central Java also reviewed the importance of maintaining culture and becoming a common concern. Need to care for and develop the nation's cultural wealth.

"Never want our culture to be taken by people. Never want our culture to be replaced by foreign culture, because we have that wealth. It becomes a big homework for all of us," he said.

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