Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo reviewed the handling of stunting in Posyandu, Karangsari Village, Kendal District, Kendal Regency. According to him, stunting handling in Karangsari Village is good. There is only one stunting child who needs to be intervened for three months.
"It turns out that the data collection here is good, yes. Earlier there was also not too much number, at this point there was only one earlier and in some of the others we asked to be checked," said Ganjar, Thursday, June 8.
The low stunting rate in the village is an example of how the handling steps taken are correct. Among them are good and routine nutritional intake for stunting children, as well as for other toddlers.
"This means that the treatment is correct. The Kendal Regent's team has also run well," he said.
Especially for toddlers who receive stunting treatment, Ganjar requested that routine supervision be carried out for three months. After that, another examination was carried out whether it was free from the risk of stunting.
"I ask for three months for those who are given stunting treatment to be properly monitored. So, if it is disciplined, God willing, three months the results will be seen or finished," he said.
Seeing the existing practice in Karangsari Village, Ganjar is very optimistic that the reduction in stunting rates in Central Java will be significant. With a note, similar practices have been carried out in other areas intensely in the last three months.
"We are optimistic to reduce stunting," he said.
Ganjar added, regarding the handling of stunting, the Central Java Provincial Government has created an intervention program. The interventions carried out so far have approached 100 percent of the current number of stunting rates.
"Intervention continues and we will see the results. Especially for stunting, in three months we will see the results. This is also in line with the program to reduce extreme poverty in Central Java," he said.
اقرأ أيضا:
After reviewing the stunting handling, Ganjar also provided assistance for uninhabitable houses (RTLH) in the village. Assistance was given to Mustaghfirin, a resident of RT07/RW05 Karangsari Village, Kendal District. Mustaghfirin is the father of the child who received stunting treatment that Ganjar met in Posyandu.
Apart from Mustaghfirin, RTLH assistance was also given to a resident of Karangsari Village named Supriyanti. Both Mustaghfirin and Supriyanti each received RTLH assistance from Central Java Baznas worth Rp. 20 million. The assistance was handed over directly by Governor Ganjar Pranowo.
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