The second batch of pilgrims are scheduled to enter through King Abdulaziz International Airport (KAIA), Jeddah starting Thursday 8 June because Amir Mohammad bin Abdul Aziz (AMMA) Airport Medina will close its arrival flight (closed date) on Thursday morning at 02.20 Saudi Arabian Time (WAS).
The Head of the Saudi Arabian Hajj Organizing Committee (PPIH) Working Area, Haryanto, said the first batch of the second wave to land in Jeddah was the Solo-Yogyakarta (SOC) 46 group on Thursday at 04.05 WAS.
"On the first day of the inaugural batch landing at Jeddah Airport, it will be greeted with a ceremonial event by the governments of Saudi Arabia and Indonesia," said Haryanto, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 6.
From Saudi Arabia was represented by the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah, while from Indonesia was attended by the Indonesian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, the Indonesian Consul General, the head of the Saudi Arabian PPIH, the hajj consultant, and other officials such as at Madinah Airport.
"The second wave that landed in Jeddah, the number will be more than those who arrived in Medina, namely 272 groups. All of the groups who will fly to Saudi Arabia reach 534 groups," he said.
He explained that in preparation for the arrival of the congregation, the Airport Working Area team will be divided into two, one at Madinah airport and the other at Jeddah Airport the day before the "closing date" at Medina Airport.
"The first wave of the last batch to land at Medina Airport is the JKG group. They will go through the 'fast track' route," he said.
اقرأ أيضا:
Pilgrims who land at AMMA Airport will be in Medina for nine days to carry out the Arbain pilgrimage. After that, just move to Makkah to undergo Umrah qudum or mandatory Umrah.
Data from the Integrated Hajj Information and Computerization System (Siskohat) noted that as of Tuesday at 09.20 WAS, there were 86,214 pilgrims from 227 groups arriving in Medina, said Haryanto.
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