JAKARTA - The Buddhist Viharas of Svakha Sungailiat Bangka, Bangka Belitung Islands Province bathed the Buddhist Rupang in commemoration of Vesak Day 2567 BE in 2023.
Bathing the Rupang of Buddhism as a symbol of cleaning up all inner impurities, thoughts, words and deeds.
Chairman of the Buddhist Vihara Svakha Surya Timur Sungailiat, Aldi Chundra said, bathing the Buddhist Rupang is part of commemorating Vesak Day by first starting with the reading of Maha Puja, a service or Paritta reading.
"Educate the Buddhist Rupang using flower water accompanied by a prayer reading led by Wihartono as the builder of the Buddhist Vihara Svakha Sungailiat, then in turn followed by other Buddhists," he explained in a statement, Antara, Sunday, June 4.
Maha Puja was brought by the children of the Buddhist/Muslim Buddhist Sunday School Svakha towards the procession of the Buddhist Rupang bath. The Maha Puja consists of flower pujas, preparations, candles, water, and food spurs.
The Buddhist Rupang bathing was attended by Buddhist Trustees in Bangka Regency, Mr. Sarjono and the Sukhavati Pangkal Pinang Vihara temperature as well as giving lectures.
After the lecture activities will be continued with the Buddhist Sunday School (SMB Svakha) youth art performance and also enlivened with the door prize draw.
"It is scheduled tonight, at around 19.00 WIB, a service will be held or read Paritta (the holy code) at the Buddha statue of Shakyamuni and Buddha Amitabha located in Bukit Religi Fat Hin San, Lubuk Kelik Sungailiat Village," he said.
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