The Corruption Case Of Praya Lombok Hospital, Revealed By The Prosecutor, Asked The Witness To Sign A Distribution Of BLUD Project Funds
Fari Fazari, as Director of PT Aneka Kalibrasi was present as a witness via virtual at the Mataram Corruption Court, NTB, Monday (29/5/2023). BETWEEN/Dhimas B.P.


The prosecutor revealed that he asked the Director of PT Aneka Kalibrasi, Fari Fazari Ruyatna, to sign an objection letter to the statement of withholding funds for the procurement of medical devices (alkes) for the Regional Public Service Agency (BLUD) of the Praya Regional General Hospital (RSUD), Central Lombok.

The prosecutor's actions in the investigation were conveyed by Fari Fazari who gave testimony as a witness in the trial of the case with the defendant Adi Sasmita as the official commitment maker (PPK) and Baiq Prapningdiah Asmarini as the treasurer of the BLUD.

"I signed the statement of objection to the cuts directed by Mr. Bratha (Head of the Special Crime Section of the Central Lombok Kejari)," Fari said before the Mataram Corruption Court Judge via video conference, Monday, May 29.

He admitted that he signed the letter after the prosecutor showed data on cutting the medical equipment procurement project funds amounting to Rp. 3 million.

"So, I don't know if there is a cut. I knew after the prosecutor showed the cut data when I was examined," he said.

The statement of objection to the cut in the medical equipment procurement project funds is now included in the attachment to the completeness of evidence at trial.

After hearing this, Baiq Prapningdiah Asmarini's attorney, Lalu Pringadi, asked for firmness from Fari.

"Will the witness (Fari) revoke this statement?" said Pringadi.

Fari responded to this by stating that he had withdrawn the objection letter for cutting the project funds.

"Yes, I will withdraw (the proof of the statement of objection to cutting project funds)," said Fari.

Pringadi also in the trial assessed that the prosecutor's actions had violated the procedure for handling cases.

"It is not permissible to direct to make a unilateral statement letter, especially what makes it a prosecutor. This violates ethics," said Pringadi.

In this case, PT Aneka Kalibrasi received an medical equipment procurement project with a value of Rp. 98 million. However, in the disbursement of the budget, PT Aneka Kalibrasi only received Rp. 95 million.

The budget shortage then became the subject of the prosecutor attaching an objection letter to cutting project funds worth Rp. 3 million as one of the evidences in the BLUD Praya fund corruption case.

The prosecutor in this case charged Adi Sasmita and Baiq Prapningdiah Asmarini and other defendants, namely dr. Muzakir Langkir as the former Director of the Praya Hospital did, ordered to do, and participated in doing actions that benefited himself or other people or a corporation in managing BLUD funds at Praya Hospital from 2017 to 2020.

Akibat perbuatan Muzakir Langkir bersama-sama dengan Adi Sasmita, Baiq Prapningdiah Asmarini, dan penyedia barang telah muncul kerugian negara Rp883 juta. Angka kerugian tersebut muncul dalam kegiatan pengadaan makanan berdasarkan laporan hasil audit Inspektorat Lombok Tengah.

In the indictment of the three defendants, the public prosecutor applied the allegations Article 2 paragraph (1) and / or Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 paragraph (1) letter b of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law no. 20 of 2001 jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.

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