
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo received a delegation from the United States-ASEAN Business Council (US-ABC) to discuss cooperation in trade and investment between Indonesia and the United States at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java.

"At this meeting, the US-ABC said, first, congratulations on Indonesia's success in leading the G20 and now also leading ASEAN and they also convey and support President Jokowi's policy priorities, namely how Indonesia improves the ecosystem from the industrial electricvehicle (EV) or electric vehicles because Indonesia has enormous resources," said Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, May 25.

Sri Mulyani said more than 30 companies attended the meeting. He added that Indonesia also expressed its commitment to carrying out economic transformation in terms of energy sustainability.

"Second, how can Indonesia also get facilities to enter the EV market in the United States and how we can increase our role and also the ability to attract investment. The President said that Indonesia will continue to carry out economic transformation both downstream and also in terms of sustainable energy, including energy transition, and also to continue to support IKN development," he explained.

In addition, at the meeting, the US-ABC delegation also expressed certain attention to the energy industry, especially by Exxon and BP.

"They conveyed that the investments from the two institutions in Indonesia, both in Tangguh and in Banyuurip, show developments, and now they are concerned about the technical technology where carbon capture technology is important," said Sri Mulyani.

The government also continues to support various policies for energy independence and resilience in Indonesia, as well as complying with climate change commitments in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, a number of other companies, such as Boeing and Feddex, have revealed an increase in the air transportation industry which increases Indonesia's appeal as a destination for Boeing's investment. However, this needs to be supported by investment in higher digital economy infrastructure.

"We will continue to improve communication on how the trade pattern, where digital economy dominates, needs to be balanced on the one hand, good services as well as faster services. However, on the other hand, security and in terms of integrity," he said.

Sri Mulyani said Jokowi accepted the views of companies in the hospitality sector, namely Marriot and Airbnb, which further increased investment in the hotel sector so as to support Indonesia's main tourism destination program.

"It also needs to be supported by air transportation infrastructure. In addition, there are also proposals in the health sector, namely the desire to make partnerships with SOEs and the private sector in the pharmaceutical sector and increase sustainable health financing," he said.

In addition, he continued, with the speed of technological developments, cyberthreat challenges emerged that could be handled in partnership.

"In general, today's discussion, the President emphasized the importance of partnership and collaboration. Cooperation because Indonesia as a country in the center of geopolitical upheaval needs to improve and strengthen global cooperation with all parties. This is in accordance with our goal to continue to improve our economy, our economic independence and at the same time. cooperation among various countries in the world, "said Sri Mulyani.

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