JAKARTA - The dualism in the management of the Association of Mixed Flats Occupants (PPRSC) of the GCM Apartment is still ongoing. This time, the problem has reached the General Hearing Meeting (RDPU) with Commission III of the DPR RI and was attended by the Kapolda Metro Jaya.
Direskrimum Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hengki Haryadi explained the beginning of the chaos that occurred in the GCM apartment in Central Jakarta. After completion of construction, the GCM Mixed Flats Voters Association (PPRSC) was formed with Governor Decree Number 1029 of 2000.
Until 2012, PPRSC appointed PT Duta Pertiwi to be the manager managing IPL (Environmental Management Contribution). However, in 2013, PPRSC GCM announced an increase in IPL and VAT plans.
From there, continued Kombes Hengki, the beginning of the conflict occurred which met resistance from a group of residents.
"These fifty people formed the GCM Citizen Communication Forum (FKW) for the initiation of Tonny Soenanto and Saurip Kadi. Then, this Citizen Communication Forum held an extraordinary general meeting initiated by Saurip Kadi, and made changes to AD/ART and made new management so that there was dualism in management since 2013," he said.
As a result of the dualism in the management, it has an impact on the management of residents' contributions. The old GCM PPRC continues to attract dues through the management body and is also carried out by the new GCM P3SRS also attracting contributions, including electricity, IPL and water.
However, then the electricity and water for residents were turned off because it was allegedly not paid by the GCM P3SRS management, Tonny Soenanto.
"Well, this is the root of the problem so that it becomes a conflict in this apartment," he said.
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Meanwhile, the management of the GCM Apartment, Satya Dharma, said that his party was trying to straighten out the unresolved management problems.
"Managers always commit law-abiding acts, and always try to fulfill aspects of legality in doing everything related to the management of Graha Cempaka Mas apartments. The presence of Graha Cempaka Mas managers is based on the appointment of the Graha Cempaka Mas PPRSC," Satya Dharma told reporters, Wednesday, May 24.
Furthermore, Satya Dharma said that the problems experienced by some apartment residents, including not getting water and electricity, were not true.
"The manager has never carried out terror, because residents who do not get water and electricity are apartment residents who are in arrears in paying Environmental Management Contributions (IPL), electricity bills and water for a long time," he said.
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