
The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police has scheduled a second summons for Nindy Ayunda on Friday, April 26. The singer will be questioned regarding allegations of hiding Dito Mahendra, a fugitive in an alleged illegal possession of firearms (senpi).

In handling the Dito Mahendra case, investigators made a model A report regarding the alleged violation of Article 221 of the related Criminal Code in hiding suspects.

"We are scheduled for Friday for case 221 of the Criminal Code," said Director of General Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Djuhandhani Rahardjo Puro to VOI, Tuesday, May 23.

The report regarding the alleged hiding of the suspect was registered with the number LP/A/5/V/2023/SPKT.DITTIPIDUM/BARESKRIM POLRI dated May 20, 2023.

In fact, the case has been filed with a case title by increasing its status from an investigation to an investigation. Because, it is believed that there is a criminal offense.

Nindi Ayunda had previously been scheduled to provide information some time ago. However, he was not present for certain reasons.

The call on Friday, May 26, this week was the second summons in a series of Dito Mahendra cases.

"The first call has not yet arrived, if I'm not mistaken, I asked for a letter, but we are still the second call," said Djuhandhani.

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