
JAKARTA The Indosurya case is suspected of having the largest ponzi scheme in Indonesia with a loss of up to one trillion rupiah. This case is very large, even Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD also spoke up because the owner of the cooperative, Henry Surya, had been released, even though he was finally arrested again.

At that time, the owner of the cooperative Henry Surya was released, while the victim's attorney, Alvin Lim from LQ Indonesia Lawfirm, was arrested, so there was no resistance from the Indosurya victims.

One of the members of LQ Indonesia Lawfirm Bambang Hartono explained that Alvin Lim was detained on suspicion of falsifying his former client's ID card with a loss of Rp. 6 million. Alvin Lim's detention was not long after he exposed the mode of P19 dead in the Indosurya case.

"Alvin Lim has evidence of the game mode of the Attorney General's Office where, the AGO requires all 14,600 Indosurya victims to be examined by the investigator's BAP and audited. If it is done (BAP) then it will not be completed for a dozen years. There is also a voice recording where the AGO does not care about the fate of the victims. " said Bambang, Tuesday, May 16.

He also explained that Alvin was sentenced to 4.5 years in prison at the Supreme Court and his appeal was rejected by the Supreme Court. And according to Bambang, there were irregularities in both cases of Alvin Lim and Henry Surya.

"It turns out that the members of the assembly, the chairman of the assembly and the clerk are the same. Only one member of the panel of judges is different. If previously our suspicions about the game in the Supreme Court were at the level of 50 percent, now it has risen to 75 percent level. As stipulated by the Supreme Court judge who will examine the case and hold 2 of the 3 judges who examined it. In the cassation of Alvin Lim, Suhadi, Suharto and Soesilo. The same judge Soesilo who had examined in the case of Alvin Lim before in 2019. So it looks like just a removal. His successor clerk Dwi Sugiarto." explained Bambang.

In Henry Surya's cassation case with case number 2113K/PID.Sus/2023, the Panel of Judges Suhadi, Suharto, Jupriyadi and Panitera his successor Dwi Sugiarto. Only different Soesilo was replaced by Jupriyadi.

"Once again, an irregularity is because the composition of the panel of judges and clerks of the Supreme Court is all the same except for one person. Even though the case of Alvin Lim is an ordinary general crime, while the Henry Surya case is a special crime. This makes it difficult for us to think positively, because based on the information we get that Alvin Lim's criminalization is so that the Indosurya case sinks and does not go viral. " said Bambang.

Now, Bareskrim Polri has completed the suspect Henry Surya's file. Case files and suspects Henry Surya have been submitted to the Attorney General's Office (AGO). Brigadier General Whisnu Hermawan, last Friday, May 12.

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