
SURABAYA Chairman of the DPD RI, AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, urged that the Draft Law on Protection and Preservation of the Indigenous Culture of the Kingdom of the Archipelago (RUU PPKAKN) be immediately ratified into law.

This is important in the framework of providing protection and preservation of the traditional culture of the archipelago that still exists.

"It is important for us to pay attention to the kingdom and the Sultanate of the Archipelago, which in fact contributes a lot to this Republic," said LaNyalla when meeting Cultural observer Argadjendra Sentot, Saturday, May 13.

The senator from East Java emphasized that the existence of the Kingdom and Sultanate in the archipelago is important for the attention of the state. This is because the Kingdom and Sultanate of the Archipelago have a great contribution to the birth of this Republic. Therefore, it is appropriate for this nation to give high appreciation and appreciation to the Kingdom and the Sultanate of the Archipelago.

A great nation is a nation that respects its history. The real facts, the Kingdom and the Sultanate of the Archipelago as entities in the archipelago, are very instrumental in the process of the birth of the nation," said LaNyalla.

As a great nation, the Senator from East Java said that Indonesia was born from a great and superior civilization, namely the civilization of the Kingdom and the Sultanate of the Archipelago. "From them, we inherited many traditions and values of noble values. So, what has been inherited by the Kingdom and the Sultanate of the Archipelago, I think it is mandatory for us to preserve it," said LaNyalla.

Cultural observer Argadjendra Sentot appreciated LaNyalla's move, which he said has a strong commitment to the traditions, customs and culture of this nation.

"He also has great attention to the Kingdom and Sultanate of the Archipelago. I think at this time, only LaNyalla understands and is well aware of the important role of the Kingdom and the Sultanate of the Archipelago for the process of forming this Republic," said Sentot.

Sentot also thanked AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti for continuing to encourage the revitalization of the Kingdom and the Sultanate of the Archipelago, whose current condition is arguably concerning.

"Their values should be revitalized, including the physical buildings of other things they have sacrificed to this Republic. We must not deny this history," said Sentot.

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