
The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police has named two suspects in a criminal case of trafficking in persons (TPPO). They were the ones who sent 20 Indonesian citizens (WNI) to Myanmar.

"Anita Setia Dewi and Andri Satria Nugraha have been named suspects," said Director of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri Brigadier General Djuhandhani Rahardjo Puro in his statement, Tuesday, May 9.

Both were named as suspects based on the results of the case title carried out this afternoon.

So far, the roles of the two have not been detailed. However, they are suspected of playing a role that is looking for someone to be used as an illegal Indonesian (TKI) worker.

It is only conveyed if both of them are charged with Article 4 of Law (UU) Number 21 of 2007 concerning TIP and/or Article 81 of Law Number 18 of 2017 concerning Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI).

"The follow-up plan is to find and arrest the suspect," said Djuhandhani.

Meanwhile, 20 Indonesian citizens who were victims of TIP through online fraud have been successfully released and taken out of Myawaddy, Myanmar.

They were released by the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) Yangon in Myanmar and the Indonesian Embassy in Bangkok in Thailand.

"For the cooperation between the Indonesian Embassy in Yangon and local networks that have access to the Myawaddy area - where the Indonesian citizens are being held captive, they can be released and taken to the Thai border," said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The twenty Indonesian citizens were brought to the border in two waves, namely on May 5, 2023 as many as 4 people, and May 6, 2023 as many as 16 people.

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