The Mataram City COVID-19 Handling Task Force (Satgas) stated that the disbandment of the task force in Mataram was still waiting for regulations and technical instructions from the central government.
Spokesperson for the Mataram City COVID-19 Task Force, I Nyoman Swandiasa, said that whatever is the decision of the central government, including the disbandment of the COVID-19 Task Force, the regions are ready to implement it.
"Including the technical budget managed by the COVID-19 Task Force, it can be diverted to other productive economic activities. For the amount of the budget, I don't know in detail," he said in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Tuesday, May 9, which was confiscated by Antara.
This was conveyed in response to a statement from the World Health Organization (WHO) which had issued an official statement regarding the COVID-19 pandemic which had ended.
It's just that, he continued, even though WHO had issued an official statement regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, it was over, the central government was still observing the development of COVID-19 cases until the end of May 2023.
"By following the status of the WHO's emergency decision, this May it will be decided whether the status of the pandemic in Indonesia will be revoked or what. We are still waiting for an official statement from the central government," he said.
Touching on the findings of COVID-19 cases in Mataram City, Swandiasa said that until now Mataram City has still zero active cases of COVID-19.
"Although in Mataram there have been zero cases, as long as there has been no official statement from the government regarding the revocation of the pandemic status, the COVID-19 Task Force continues with existing adjustments," he said.
Swandiasa, who is also the Head of the Mataram City Communication and Information Office (Diskominfo), said that his party welcomed and was grateful for the statement conveyed by WHO.
"We are grateful that the world health authority (WHO) has revoked the status of the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though we have been carrying out normal actions because there are no cases," he said.
Nevertheless, his party still urges the public to be aware of various potential transmissions of other diseases while still applying the standard of a clean and healthy lifestyle (PHBS).
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