
KUDUS - Kudus Regency Government, Central Java, again provides dispensation for the exemption of administrative sanctions in the form of fines for people who are late in paying land and building taxes (PBB). "We do not limit UN arrears in certain years, so those who have been in arrears since the previous few years can still take advantage of this UN fine exemption program. Please use it because there is a time limit," said Head of the Kudus Regional Financial and Asset Management Revenue Agency (BPPKAD) Eko Djumartono in Kudus, Antara, Thursday, April 4. The fine exemption program for taxpayers who are late in paying the PBB is valid from May 1, 2023 and ends August 31, 2023. After that, those who were in arrears were subject to administrative fines. With the exemption of the UN fine, he hopes that the taxpayer, who had previously been in arrears by the United Nations for several years, will be interested in paying it immediately. In addition to increasing regional income, he added, the program to abolish the UN fine is also in order to attract the interest of taxpayers who have been in arrears for several years to immediately pay it off because the only tax value is paid without any additional fines. The value of UN arrears in Kudus Regency since the transfer of UN management from KPP Pratama Kudus to the Kudus Regency Government in 2013 until now its value has begun to decrease from the previous tens of billions to Rp10 billion.
Previously, the Kudus Regency Government also launched a program to relax PBB payments as a form of government concern for all business sectors that were greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, especially when there was an implementation of the implementation of emergency community activity restrictions (PPKM) followed by PPKM based on level. Then continued with the dispensation program for the exemption of administrative sanctions in the form of fines for people who are late in paying the PBB in 2021 with a duration of only one month.

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