
As many as 19 residents of West Sumatra who were evacuated from Sudan have arrived in the city of Padang in three waves with the help of the local government. Head of the West Sumatra Provincial Secretariat's Welfare Bureau, Al Amin, said the last wave of four people landed at Minangkabau International Airport at 13.00 WIB. "The last four people arrived at BIM today at 13.00 WIB. They were immediately dispatched to their respective residences," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 5. He said the process of returning the West Sumatran residents was initiated by an effort to evacuate 385 Indonesian citizens from Sudan via Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, by the Central Government. From 385 Indonesian citizens, including 25 West Sumatra residents. However, of the 25 people only 19 people were domiciled in West Sumatra while six others were domiciled in other provinces. "The Governor of West Sumatra Mahyeldi previously thanked all parties who had helped the return of the 19 people from Jakarta to Padang by plane. We coordinated with Baznas to carry it out," he said. He said the first wave return brought four adults and one baby on Sunday (30/4). The second wave of 10 people on Tuesday (2/5) and wave three, four people on Wednesday 3 May. Meanwhile, the Governor of West Sumatra, Mahyeldi, previously expressed his gratitude to all parties who had helped during the process of repatriation of West Sumatra residents from Sudan.

Meanwhile, one of the residents who was sent home by Ilmi (24th) expressed his gratitude and gratitude to all those who have helped the process of his return after so many days in a tense situation due to the civil war in Sudan. "Thank you very much for all the help so that we can reunite with the family," he said.

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