
SURABAYA - General Chairperson of the Muhammadiyah Central Executive (PP) Haedar Nashir emphasized that the organization he leads is not involved in practical politics by supporting one of the presidential candidates (candidates).

"Garis Muhammadiyah berdasarkan pada khittah yakni Muhammadiyah tidak terlibat pada proses politik praktik. Maka harus menjadi acuan," kata Haedar di Surabaya dilansir ANTARA, Selasa, 2 Mei.

He stated that Muhammadiyah gave freedom to its members as citizens to be involved and even had to vote in the upcoming general elections (elections).

Nevertheless, Haedar conveyed that the matter of supporting support was a personal matter, and the same as the advice from other PP members, so that Muhammadiyah members did not carry names, symbols and on behalf of the organization.

"God willing, Muhammadiyah residents understand," said Haedar Nashir.

Muhammadiyah emphasized that it does not want to be involved in who will fight in the upcoming elections. Whoever is elected, must have a progressive vision of human development.

"Then the second must have a vision to manage our rich homeland so that it is not controlled by a handful of parties but for the lives of many people or there is social justice," he said.

Third, social potential or social capital, namely unity must be continuously integrated. So this leader must be able to cross borders above groups, organizations and so on.

"Especially after being elected, both in the DPR and in the executive. Once he is elected, he must become the leader of all Indonesian people," he said.

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