
JAKARTA - The United States promised to share more insights into its nuclear plans with South Korea, amid concerns over North Korea's increased missile and bomb arsenal, when President Joe Biden received a visit by President Yoon Suk-yeol.

The announcement, which included a new pledge by Seoul not to pursue its own nuclear bomb, also addressed the issue of semiconductor chips, the situation in Taiwan to trade and the Ukraine war, when the two leaders met.

At a joint news conference, President Yoon said he and President Biden had agreed on steps to strengthen South Korea's defenses in response to the threat posed by North Korea.

"Our two countries have agreed to immediately hold bilateral presidential consultations in the event of a North Korean nuclear attack and pledged to respond swiftly, overwhelmingly and decisively using the full force of the alliance, including the United States' nuclear weapons," President Yoon said, cited from Reuters, April 27 .

North Korea's rapidly expanding weapons program - including ballistic missiles that can reach US cities - has raised questions about whether Washington will actually use its nuclear weapons to defend South Korea under what it calls "expanded deterrence."

Opinion polls in South Korea show a majority wants Seoul to acquire its own nuclear bomb, a move Washington opposes.

Under the new "Washington Declaration," the US will provide Seoul with detailed insight into US contingency planning to prevent and respond to any nuclear incident in the region through the US-ROK Nuclear Consultative Group, US officials said.

Washington will also deploy a ballistic missile submarine to South Korea for a show of force, its first submarine visit since the 1980s, US officials said.

Nonetheless, President Biden made it clear that no US nuclear weapons would be stationed on South Korean territory.

"I have absolute authority as commander-in-chief and sole authority to use nuclear weapons, but... what that declaration means is that we will make every effort to consult with our allies if necessary, if any action is necessary needed," he said.

In addition to the North Korean weapons issue, the two leaders' meeting also resulted in agreements on cyber security, electric vehicles and batteries, quantum technology, foreign aid and economic investment.

Next, President Biden and President Yoon also discussed tensions between China and Taiwan, as well as Beijing's military activities in the South China Sea.

In a joint statement, the two presidents stressed the importance of maintaining stability in the Taiwan Strait. They also strongly oppose "any unilateral attempt to change the status quo in the Indo-Pacific, including through unlawful maritime claims, militarization of reclaimed reefs and coercive activities," it said.

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