
Dirlantas Polda Metro Jaya (PMJ) Kombes Latif Usman said the impact of the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo's instructions was significant enough to prevent traffic accidents during the 2023 Eid homecoming flow.

To deal with the flow of homecoming and the backflow of Lebaran 2023, the National Police Chief is known to implement traffic engineering policies, in the form of contra flow, one way, to even odd. This is done in order to facilitate and succeed in the flow of homecoming and return.

"Alhamdulillah, the Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya and the ranks carried it out as expected", Latif told reporters, quoted on Sunday, April 23.

Latif said, although the density of vehicles was still found during the homecoming flow, his party was still trying to control the congestion conditions of vehicles that occurred at several road points.

According to him, with a fairly high number of travelers, there will definitely be an increase in the flow that causes congestion conditions. "So, we need to carry out traffic engineering, starting from odd-even, one-way, contra flow to other engineering, including arrangements on arterial roads," he said.

The traffic engineering strategy on toll roads and arterial roads from a long time ago has been prepared, so that homecoming trips can be better, safer, and smoother. Moreover, this year the number of travelers has increased quite significantly.

"We are grateful that all people who travel back and forth have followed all the rules that have been prepared to ensure the realization of traffic comfort and order," said Latif.

He assessed that the impact of the National Police Chief's policy had shown that traffic accidents or traffic accidents had decreased significantly.

It is known, the Lebaran 2023 homecoming accident throughout Indonesia for the period 18-20 April 2023 reached 365 cases and the highest involved motorcycles. "This number decreased by 65 percent compared to 2022, the traffic accident was recorded at 979 cases," explained Latif.

Motorcycles still dominate, which is up to 74 percent. Followed by a bus fleet with 11 percent accidents and two percent private cars. The number of victims was recorded as 47 deaths, 33 serious injuries, and 503 minor injuries.

"The number of victims decreased by more than 50 percent when compared to Ketupat Operations in 2022," he added.

For your information, in implementing the National Police Chief's policy, the Metro Jaya Police Ditlantas has built security and service posts at 37 points to deal with community activities during homecoming and backflow, as well as the 2023 Eid holiday.

Dozens of posts were built on toll roads, arterial routes, stations, terminals, and ports, as well as tourist attractions. For details, 23 security post points and services are located on toll roads and arterial routes. Meanwhile, 14 other points are located in public transportation areas to tourist attractions.

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