
The Cianjur Police predicts that the peak of the homecoming flow in their area will occur on D-2 Lebaran 2023.

Cianjur Police Chief AKBP Aszhari Kurniawan said his party had prepared a number of current engineering to prevent total traffic jams along the Puncak-Cianjur route when the peak of the homecoming flow.

"The flow engineering will be carried out when the queue of vehicles occurs more than 2 kilometers, but the estimated traffic jams can be anticipated because a number of new toll roads in West Java can be passed, so that non-toll roads are predicted not to increase," he said in Cianjur, Monday, April 17, which was confiscated by Antara.

His party also continues to alert teams to break queues at points prone to traffic jams along the Cianjur homecoming route, such as the Puncak area, Cipanas Market, By Pass-Cianjur, Ciranjang Market and a number of points in Haurwangi-Citarum.

"Anticipation is still carried out, when there is a long queue, officers can take various actions including implementing a one-way system in turn," he said.

He said, the homecoming vehicles continued to increase until D-5 Lebaran 2023. According to him, per day the count of 200 vehicles per minute with Bandung destination and so on.

Aszhari also reminded travelers passing through Cianjur to take advantage of the many resting places along the route, including in the cross-sectional police.

"It's better to prevent before it happens, it's better to rest than to force yourself to continue your homecoming journey because you want to get there quickly. Travelers can take advantage of rest areas ranging from the Puncak to Citarum areas," he said.

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