
The rise of fraudulent modes asking for help in the construction of mosques in Batam during Ramadan has made the Batam City Government of the Riau Islands hot.

The Batam City Government appealed to city residents to be aware of fraudulent mosque construction grants on behalf of the local government, be it the mayor, deputy mayor, and regional secretary of Batam City as well as other ranks.

Recently, there have been a lot of frauds on behalf of the mayor, deputy mayor and regional secretary. With the Whatsapp message mode for assistance in the construction of mosques, Batam City Secretary Jefridin Hamid in a statement received in Batam, Saturday.

According to Jefridin, various modes include asking to return money, to asking to transfer some money before being disbursed and several other modes similar.

"Now that the target is the mosque administrator, yesterday on behalf of the Regional Secretary, the management believes because there are so many modes like this," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, April 15.

In the implementation of the Ramadan safari at the Al-Amin Mosque, Jefridin symbolically handed over the mosque construction grant of Rp75 million, which was accompanied by the handover of incentives from Baznas Batam City to the mosque imam.

The Batam City Government, Riau Islands will disburse grant funds for houses of worship amounting to Rp9 billion.

Batam City Regional Secretary, Jefridin Hamid said the handover of the aid began with the signing of the Regional Grant Agreement (NPHD) with the Chairman of the House of Worship Management.

"This is an agreement that is in accordance with Perwako regarding the handover of grant funds. So that this assistance can be on the track, it must be tied up with NPHD," said Jefridin in his statement.

The Batam City Government has budgeted for 146 houses of prayer and prayer rooms and mosques distributed during Ramadan safari activities.

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