
The flash flood carrying mud and wood material hit the Ngantru Village area, Ngantang District, Malang Regency, East Java, which was triggered by heavy rain for several hours in the area.

Head of Emergency and Logistics of the Malang Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Sadono Irawan in Malang Regency, Thursday said heavy rains caused the Talang River to overflow and carry mud and wood materials at around 07.00 WIB.

"The rain has occurred since early Thursday and caused the Talang River to overflow and carry materials," Sadono said as quoted by ANTARA Wednesday, April 13.

Sadono explained that the flash flood had an impact on one prayer room inundated with water as high as ten centimeters. The flash flood occurred not near the residential area of local residents.

He added that as a result of the incident there were no casualties and currently officers are still cleaning up the flash flood material along with a number of related elements such as the TNI, Polri and a number of volunteers.

"There were no casualties. We are currently cleaning manually, while waiting for heavy equipment," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Ngantang Police, AKP Hanis Siswanto, added that the flash flood was triggered by heavy rains that had occurred since 04.00 WIB in the area. At 07.00 WIB, there was a flash flood carrying mud, wood, stone and bamboo materials.

Hanis explained that the flood resulted in rice fields and orange plantations belonging to local residents being submerged in mud. It is estimated that the affected area reaches approximately two hectares in the area.

"The flash flood carrying mud and wood material has resulted in rice fields and plantations being submerged in mud," he said.

Malang Regency BPBD has mapped the potential for disasters in the area, including in Ngantang District. The area has the potential for natural disasters caused by hydrometeorological factors such as landslides, floods, strong winds and ground or subsidence movements.

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