National Police Chief Apologizes For Police Members' Actions That Didn't Meet Expectations
National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo/PHOTO: Police Public Relations


JAKARTA - The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, apologized for a number of actions by members of the National Police that did not meet the expectations of the public.

"We take this opportunity to apologize to the people of Indonesia for various actions, words, and services that may not currently meet people's expectations," Sigit said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, April 12.

Sigit stated that he would take firm action against any of his members who were proven to have committed an offense contrary to the wishes of the National Police.

"We also took strict actions against members who committed violations that hurt the morale of the National Police and hurt the hearts of the people," he said.

The National Police Chief also pays attention to a number of survey results that record the ups and downs of public trust in the Police institution.

"It is a concern to continue to do hard work and we give encouragement to these members. This is part of the enrichment program to turn the National Police into 24-karat gold. Thus, like it or not, cleaning must be carried out," he said.

The National Police Chief considers that the ups and downs of public trust have had an impact on supporting the success of Polri's duties.

"We realize that if public trust is low, recovery efforts will also be difficult and lacking in the eyes of the public. Likewise, if public trust is high, recovery efforts will also be more optimal in the context of our main duties," he explained.

Sigit described the level of public trust in the Bhayangkara Corps. At the beginning of 2022, the National Police won a public trust level of 77.3 percent based on the results of a survey by the Indonesian Political Indicators survey agency.

From August to October 2022, public trust in the Police has decreased based on the results of a survey by the Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) by 53 percent.

At the end of 2022, the Indopol survey agency noted that public trust in the police had increased by 69.4 percent.

Next, in March 2023, the Indonesian Political Indicators survey agency recorded an increase in the level of public trust in the Polri institution to 70.8 percent.

"Of course this is a spirit for us to continue to work better, to work hard with various programs to be able to continue to restore the level of public trust to what it was before," said Sigit.

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