
JAKARTA - The DPR wants the economic development carried out in Indonesia to be in line with the preservation of biodiversity or biodiversity and ecosystems.

This was conveyed by Deputy Chairman of Commission IV of the DPR Gerardus Budisatrio Djiwandono in a public hearing meeting with experts and academics regarding the discussion of the Biological Natural Resources Conservation Bill (SDA) and its Ecosystems, at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Monday, April 10, which was confiscated by Antara.

Budi also admitted that the DPR was building a legal umbrella in this regard through the revision of the Natural Resources Conservation Act and its Ecosystems.

"We are building a legal umbrella, a law, a framework where economic development can take place together with the preservation of biodiversity and ecosystems," he said, confiscated by Antara. Budi emphasized that the parliament seriously wants to complete the revision of the conservation law no later than 2024.

According to him, the revision of the regulation has become an urgency to save biodiversity and an abundant ecosystem in Indonesia. "We view that Indonesia needs economic development momentum as well, considering this is an important pillar for Indonesia's future development," said Budi. "However, natural resources and ecosystems as the buffer of life also need to be maintained together, what we still have we must use for our common future," he said.

Budisatrio menuturkan bahwa Tuhan telah menganugerahi Indonesia kekayaan biodiversitas yang melimpah, baik di darat maupun di perairan, sehingga Indonesia dikenal sebagai salah satu negara megabiodiversitas di dunia.Keanekaragaman sumber daya alam hayati tersebut merupakan sumber daya strategis karena menyangkut ketahanan nasional dikuasai oleh negara dan pengelolaannya harus dilakukan dengan penuh kehati-hatian dengan tetap memperhatikan kelestarian, keselarasan, keseimbangan, serta keberlanjutan sumber daya alam hayati beserta ekosistemnya bagi terwujudnya kesejahteraan masyarakat Indonesia saat ini dan masa depan.

Currently, he said, Indonesia already has Law Number 5 of 1990 concerning Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and Their Ecosystems. This regulation has become the legal basis for the implementation of conservation of biological natural resources and their ecosystems.

Namun demikian, selama tenggang waktu berlakunya undang-undang tersebut telah banyak perubahan dalam berbagai kebijakan, seperti perubahan dalam kebijakan otonomi daerah, perubahan kewenangan lembaga yang menangani konservasi, minimnya partisipasi masyarakat, kurangnya peran pelaku usaha, dan lemahnya pengakuan hak masyarakat hukum adat hingga berbagai perubahan dalam kebijakan internasional."Mengingat kondisi tersebut serta memperhatikan berbagai tantangan ke depan termasuk kebutuhan masyarakat, perlu dilakukan penyempurnaan atas Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1990," kata Budisatrio.Ia menyampaikan prinsip dalam pelaksanaan konservasi melalui kegiatan perlindungan sistem penyangga kehidupan, pengawetan keanekaragaman sumber daya alam hayati dan ekosistemnya, pemanfaatan lestari masih tetap diperlukan dengan dimungkinkannya kegiatan pemulihan ketika terjadi degradasi sumber daya alam hayati.

The DPR hopes that the revision of the law can realize the implementation of good natural resource conservation and ecosystems in Indonesia.

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