JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo encourages the DPR to immediately complete the Asset Confiscation Bill (RUU) to facilitate the process of handling corruption.
"The Asset Confiscation Bill is indeed an initiative from the government and we continue to encourage the DPR to immediately resolve it," said President Jokowi when met after visiting Johar Baru Market, Central Jakarta, Antara, Wednesday, April 5.
Jokowi explained that the discussion of the Asset Confiscation Bill is still ongoing in the DPR.
The Head of State hopes that the Asset Confiscation Law will facilitate the prosecution of corruption.
The ratification of the law can provide a clear legal umbrella in the confiscation of corruptors' assets after being proven.
"I hope that the Asset Confiscation Law will facilitate the main process in corruption to resolve it after it is proven that the legal umbrella is clear," said the President.
The Bill on Asset Confiscation was previously mentioned by Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD who asked the Chairman of Commission III of the DPR RI Bambang Wuryanto alias Bambang Pacul to immediately ratify the Asset Confiscation Bill.
In a hearing with Commission III of the DPR on Wednesday (29/3), Mahfud assessed that the Asset Confiscation Law could facilitate the handling of alleged odd transactions worth IDR 349 trillion at the Ministry of Finance.
Responding to this, Bambang Pacul explained that the Asset Confiscation Bill could be passed after the party chairmen agreed. He said all members of the DPR adhered to their respective 'bosses'. Therefore, he advised the government to lobby the party's general chairman.
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