
Lampung Police have prepared 83 posts on the homecoming flow and backflow of Lebaran 2023 to maintain public comfort and anticipate traffic accidents.

"This year, it is estimated that there will be a significant increase in the number of travelers, because conditions are different from the previous year," said Head of the Lampung Police's Roops Division, AKBP Alim, during a coordination meeting ahead of Eid Al-Fitr 2023, in Bandarlampung, Monday, April 3, which was confiscated by Antara.

He said, in addition to making security posts that can function as services, as an effort to maintain the comfort of travelers, Operation Krakatau 2023 was also carried out.

"So 83 units of posts will be prepared, namely 61 security posts, 21 service posts, and 1 integrated post," he said.

"Indeed, there needs to be more efforts to secure the 2023 Eid homecoming because there is an upward trend. One of them is through the establishment of this post to prevent traffic accidents and maintain security," he continued.

He detailed that in 2022 there were a total of 69 traffic accidents. Of these cases, 24 people died, 50 people were seriously injured, and 69 people were slightly injured.

"In addition to creating posts to maintain the comfort of people who travel, there will also be intas traffic engineering on toll roads when the flow back. If the situation is red or very congested, there will be a vehicle pocketing scheme in the KM 20 B rest area," he added.

Furthermore, there will also be escorts for travelers with two-wheeled vehicles from Panjang Port to the border of Tugu Radin Inten. From 19.00-05.00 WIB by making the Panjang Port Pospam a gathering point.

In detail, the security posts, service posts, and integrated posts as many as 83 points include the North Lampung area, there will be 5 posts covering 4 security posts, and 1 service post unit.

In West Lampung there are 4 postal units, namely 3 security units, and 1 service post, then on the West Coast there are three service post units, in Pringsewu there are 2 posts, namely 1 security post unit, and 1 service post.

Then in Tanggamus there are 3 posts, namely 2 security post units, 1 service post unit, in Pesawaran there are 8 posts including 7 security post units, and 1 service post unit. In Bandarlampung there are 9 posts with 6 security post units and 3 service post units.

Furthermore, in South Lampung there are 15 posts, of which there are 13 security post units and 2 service post units. Meanwhile, in Metro there are 3 posts, namely 2 security posts and 1 service post unit, in East Lampung there are 5 posts including 4 security posts and 1 service post.

In Central Lampung, there are 8 posts in detail, 7 security posts and 1 service post, Tulang Bawang there are 3 posts, namely 2 security posts, and 1 service post. In Mesuji there are 4 posts including 2 security posts and 2 service posts.

As for the Tulang Bawang area, there are 8 posts, namely 7 security posts and 1 service post, then in the Waykanan area there are 2 posts including 1 security post and 1 service post. And 1 integrated post at the Lampung Police.

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