Agam Resort Police, West Sumatra arrested a farmer in Labuah Tunggang Bayur, Jorong Kako Koto, Nagari Bayur, Tanjungraya District with the initials PH (37). PH was proven to be circulating marijuana-type narcotics in a location not far from his home.
"Today we can only expose it because it is only ready for development. We arrested the suspect last Saturday at around 21.00 WIB, then we developed the case," said Agam Police Chief AKBP Ferry Ferdian accompanied by Head of Narcotics Investigation Unit of Agam Police AKP Aleyxi Aubeydillah in Lubukbasung, Antara, Monday, April 3.
The police confiscated nine packages of marijuana ready for distribution weighing 73.52 grams, a cell phone, Rp40 thousand in cash and others.
"We have secured the perpetrator and the evidence at the Agam Police Headquarters for further processing," he said.
The arrest of the perpetrator began with public information that the perpetrator, who was suspected of being the drug abuse of marijuana, had or controlled and circulated marijuana.
Furthermore, members of the Agam Police Narcotics Unit visited the crime scene and secured the PH perpetrators.
Accompanied by witnesses, he added, the perpetrators were searched or examined at the crime scene and found evidence in the form of eight packages of marijuana in the front pocket of the swipe used.
After being asked by the perpetrator, he admitted that the marijuana belonged to him himself and at that time PH also admitted that there was still one remaining package of marijuana stored in the kitchen of the house in a white rice sack.
"We went straight to the perpetrator's house to secure the evidence," he said.
He admitted that the perpetrators were very cooperative and did not make efforts to fight back when they were arrested. The perpetrator is the target of the Agam Police operation, because based on information, the public is suspected of distributing these illicit goods frequently.
For his actions, the perpetrator was charged with Article 111 paragraph (1), 115 paragraph (1) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with a minimum sentence of four years and a maximum of 12 years in prison.
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