
JAKARTA - The Musician Baskara Putra or the Indies again presented a special single concert in Jakarta entitled 'Malaikat Menpink Di Langit Jakarta' with a number of unique things, ranging from unusual concepts to collaborations with a number of Indonesian musicians.

When met at a press conference before the concert began, Saturday (30/9) in Jakarta, the Indies said the concept of eklectics for its single concert in Jakarta is a horror analogue.

The term refers to the horror genre that presents a harrowing experience through the use of analog technology or the classic era in the story and experience presented.

The concept or fictional material that I consume the most on the internet is analogous to horror. So, it's like horror on YouTube or comics that don't explain, 'why is that?' Or 'why is that?' said Indies Kepda Antara.

Art installations and theatrical performances

In its single concert in Jakarta, the Indies featured a number of art installations along with a horror and abstract-themed theatrical performance that represented various things. Starting from art installations that display anxiety, fear, sadness, and others.

Before entering the concert area, the audience will be greeted with a theatrical action in the form of handling corpses in Islamic law by including certain icons in the waiting area (holding area).

On the left side of the theatrical action, there are a number of tombstones and coffins containing Dispose of dreams that you fail to enjoy here! and viewers are allowed to write down the failure of their version of the dream.

In addition, the audience was also presented with interesting theatrical performances and other art installations with the theme of the Indonesian version of the horror analog. The East Indies also managed to present an interesting surprise for the audience while playing their music on stage last night by displaying the theatrical action of falling angels to earth, monologues, and others.

Clothing rules for spectators

In addition to the concept of the event which is considered 'Out of The Box', the Indies also includes a special dress code for spectators who attend the Malaikat Flashing In The Sky Jakarta concert. The audience has been given three choices of clothes according to the personality spectrum test which can be checked through their official website.

The three colors that can be used by the audience are black, white, and red. Not only that, the audience is also required to bring a white or black eye covering as an addition to the show.

Although it feels strange, the regulation was carried out to strengthen the concept of horror and abstract brought by the Indies. The eye covering cloth that was previously requested to be brought by his party was useful for closing their eyes when the Indies performed a song titled Sun Drowning'.

While singing the song, the Indies invited all the audience, without exception he and the band accompanying him to wear a eye covering cloth. There is no definite explanation of the reason for closing the eyes, but a warning letter appeared on the concert screen as an invitation for the audience to close their eyes simultaneously.

"Emergency warning of the presence of shadows. Spectators are requested to wear their respective eye coverings," the announcement read.

Blue Valley, the meaning of the world for the Indies

Interestingly, the Indies called the 'world' where he held this single concert in Jakarta a 'Blue Valley', which is a fictional world when he can make his own rules, whatever it takes.

"Blue Valley means the feeling we feel when we are afraid something will happen, but we are relieved because it will be the last one," said the Indies.

In the 'Blue Valley', the Indies made a variety of unique regulations that described all the feelings there. Starting from the audience entering the waiting area to the concert area, the Indies wanted to invite the audience to feel their fictional world in the 'Blue Valley'.

Collaboration with Indonesian musicians

Not only his concepts and fictional world, the Indies made a special surprise by collaborating with a number of Indonesian musicians, including the music group Lomba Sihir, soloist Idgitaf, Kamga, Teddy Adhitya, and others.

In several concert segments, the Indies invites their fellow musicians to the stage to sing their songs. One of them is the song 'Future Problem' and 'Dehydration' with the Magic Competition.

The Indies also sang their flagship songs with Teddy Adhitya in the song 'Don't Be A Hero' and 'Kita Ke Sana'. At the end of this collaboration, he and his fellow musicians sang the song 'Cincin' on stage before the single concert closing song was sung.

Overall, the Indies and the team managed to make the audience entertained by the stunning stage action of them. The 'Malayat twists in Jakarta' concert has been his last stop to promote his latest album titled Besides Life Will End.

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