
JAKARTA - Maybe no one in this world has a higher opinion about Oasis music than Noel Gallagher. Since he first opened his mouth to conduct interviews about his material, Noel has never bothered about being a member of the world's greatest band, making classic works one after another throughout the 1990s before leaving in glory after being canceled in 2009. However, looking back, Noel learned to re-evaluate several of his greatest albums.

While reviewing material earlier, Noel is adamant about the fact that he doesn't like the band's third album, Be Here Now. Although the band is at the top of the world and is risking their claim as one of the most incredible rock and roll bands ever, their excessive drug consumption hinders the album from Noel's perspective, thinking it's a missed opportunity compared to their previous album.

The critical analysis was even applied to the decisive moment of Oasis, What's the Story Morning Glory. Building on the momentum of their first single, the release of the two groups catapulted them into rock legends, with masterpieces one after another like Wonderwall and Don't Look Back In Anger.

However, when talking about making an album later, Noel thought that the production could be better, told NME, "I don't really like the sound Morning Glory at all. I hate the sound album. There is all this crisis".

It is true, the crisis mentioned by Noel helped provide some of the benefits of the song. Although gentle moments like Wonderwall may rarely be produced, the excessive sound from badminton Supernova helps create frenzy in the listener's head, putting them in a drunken state as Noel explains in the lyrics.

Although Noel has the same number for songs from their comeback albums in the 2000s, Standing on the shoulder of Giants, he still thinks that their definitively Maybe debut is their best moment, explains, I think the only perfect album is Definitely Maybe.

Compared to the production of Morning Glory, the group's debut album has more punk aesthetics behind it, featuring the most straightforward rock songs Noel has ever written, such as Rock n' Roll Star and Supersonic. Although they don't have a clean follow-up, these songs are even sometimes taken from the sound of shoegaze music, creating an expanded outro that captivates listeners into a tone when they use headphones on songs like Slide Away and Columbia.

While Noel may think that his execution was better on their debut, he knows that every Oasis album has more than a few shortcomings, while remembering, Indeed, that's how it is. They're not perfect at all. And if you really make the most perfect album and you accept it as the perfect album, it's all over. What's the point after that?".

While Noel may have mixed feelings about his group's most successful performances, it has helped influence every prospective songwriter who wants to use their guitar and listen to the music that excites them. What's the Story Morning Glory may not be perfect in Noel's mind, but it doesn't take into account the huge impact it has on the generation of rock music fans.

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