
JAKARTA - The Indonesian musician duo consisting of Endah Widiastuti (vocals and guitar) and Rhesa Aditya (bass) said musicians have the same role and responsibility in helping to solve education problems.

"So our contribution as musicians and as human beings has the same responsibility, we make it a better life with better education as much as we can according to our skills," Endah said at the 2023 Learning press conference in Jakarta, Friday, quoted by Antara.

He said music can not only be entertainment but can also be a very easy means to be able to convey good messages to the public. Education issues called Endah can also be inserted into the lyrics made by musicians.

"Music is one of the layers that is also quite strong to become a very functional medium as education in a good way from good lyrics, good messages, good activities," he said.

In the 2023 Learning event, Indonesian musicians such as Vidi Aldiano, RAN, Kunto Aji, Dere and Tompi will be present who often insert issues about humanity and good messages in every of their songs that affect their fans.

Endah n Rhesa's involvement is also not the first time in the educational activities of All Teachers. In this Learning, this couple will also share through discussions about educational issues with various other sources.

This is not the first time participating in an educational movement. This is also our goal to become a musician with works that are beneficial to society," he said.

For Endah, her involvement in this activity is her suggestion to learn more about the issues in Indonesia and create works with a wider spectrum. And it can have a good effect on the morning of the audience listening to the songs in the future.

"In fact, this is an opportunity for musicians to learn, hopefully, those who didn't care at first became care, those who used to be music so that cool can create songs and play with a wider spectrum," concluded Endah.

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