
JAKARTA - The son of the late Indonesian music legend Yockie Suryo Prayogo (Kantata Takwa, former God Bless, Swami), Nara Prayindra made his debut as a solo musician with a single titled "From Your View".

This single is very important for Nara because it became the first work of the musician after nine years of vacuum in the Indonesian music industry. Previously, Nara was known as the guitarist of the band Jibriel.

This solo project began in 2022 with the help of several musicians such as Dimas Doray, Ramadhani Utomo da Ali Akbar Sugiri. As for the mixing and mastering side, Bayu Randu was executed by Musicblast.id.

In an official statement received by the editor, From The View of You, Nara expressed her story about betrayal and pain. Nara wrote this song based on personal experience and those around her.

This song remains wrapped with distortions and beat drums as well as songs in Jibriel's era. On the other hand, there are several orchestral arrangements that are slick by Ali Akbar Sugiri.

The sound attached to it also makes the theme of this song more emotional. This cannot be separated from the influence of his father who is good at building emotions and song arrangements.

"The influence of her father's music is enormous for me. But, we have a different style of music," said Nara.

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