
JAKARTA - David Coverdale said Whitesnake had never used a backing track or lipsync during their concert.

In recent years, more and more artists have relied on pre-record tracks, drum triggers, and various other technologies that make concerts more synthetic but also more consistent.

Good or bad, pre-record tracks are becoming increasingly common for tour artists of all levels and genres and are not only used in pop music many rock artists use playback tracks to various levels.

Coverdale talks about the dependence of some of the rock artists on previously recorded tracks in a new interview with "Rock Of Nations With Dave Kinden & Shane McEachern".

Asked for his opinion about singers who use the backing track or lipsync for their main vocals, this is what the Whitesnake vocalist said.

"I think it often happens, unfortunately. But it's someone's choice. It doesn't happen to us," said Dave.

"I remember years ago someone who should have known better said they were surprised to see us using cassettes (as backing tracks)," he continued.

"This was years ago. And nothing can get far from the truth. Are you kidding? My band are great players and great singers - a simple fact. But it's getting very ridiculous, what about the viral internet, we invite journalists to come and stand in front of the house and see that everything that happens is live broadcast.

"But this is Whitesnake," added David. "And I have to tell you, you're in a live broadcast, wherever you are. Good or bad, it's a live broadcast. There's never been any consideration about (using) cassettes (as backing tracks). But I know a lot of my people accept it. And good luck to them. It's not interesting to me.

"Listen, even when I make a promo video, I sing live. I can't pretend," he continued.

Mundur ke tahun 2009, vokalis legender Joe Lynn Turner (Rainbow, Deep Purple, Yngwie Malmsteen) mengatakan kepada The Metal Circuit Spanyol dirinya mendengar di internet bahwa David Coverdale menggunakan semua jenis cassette sebagai backing track.

"Yes, I was in Finland [in June 2008] with Graham Bonnet and we were at the same festival [Sauna Open Air] with Whitesnake, and I can't believe he used these tapes to sing the lead," he said.

"It's not just background vocals, but principal vocals! And I... My mouth is open. I'm like, 'What the hell is this, David?! You can't do this. You look so stupid, so stupid.' And everyone complains about this. No, I sing directly. This is what you get; that's all... I'm not trying to talk nonsense... This is true. Everyone sees this... I can't'' I can't believe it, because he [David] has always been one of my favorite singers. Using cassettes [as backing tracks] for the main vocals... I can understand [if it's used for vocals] backgrounds if [other band members] don't sing. But for the lead vocals?! You must be kidding."

Dave then vehemently denied Joe's accusations that he had synchronized his lips with previous vocal recordings at the concert, calling Joe's claim "empty".

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