
JAKARTA - Currently, automatic motorcycles are very popular among many people because of the advantages they offer in terms of comfort and ease of control.

Besides being easy to drive, the maintenance of this type of motorcycle is also considered quite simple and does not require large expenses. However, there are several things that need to be considered in taking care of it so that motorcycles continue to function optimally.

In an official statement received by VOI on Wednesday, September 27, Suzuki provides tips on how to maintain and care for some of the components that play an important role in the performance of this vehicle.

V-Belt Care

V-Belt is one of the key components in the motorcycle driving system. This part serves as a link between the rear puller and the front pulley.

Due to its important role in the automatic motor drive system, this component has a certain life period and needs to be replaced if it is damaged.

Usually, the ideal time of use for V-Belt is when a motorcycle has covered 20,000 to 30,000 km, depending on the use of vehicles. However, replacements can also be needed earlier if needed, before reaching 20,000 km.


Roller is a component that has a small integer shape and serves to move the pulley at the front. This component plays an important role in regulating the increase and decrease in speed when the motorcycle engine is turned on.

If the shape of the roller changes or erodes, it can affect the performance of the motorcycle and render it as optimal as possible.

Kopling Campas

The coupling campaign serves as a liaison between the vehicle engine and the transmission system. One of the things that needs to be avoided when riding an automatic motorcycle is using brakes and gas at the same time.

This can cause rapid damage to the coupling campaign, as excessive friction will make the quasas rapid. In fact, this condition could result in a burning coupling campaign.

Signs that the coupling campaign was damaged include discomfort while riding an automatic motorcycle and noisy noise when the motorbike is running.

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