JAKARTA Memories of today, 24 years ago, July 14, 1999, Pramoedya Ananta Toer said maritime is the real power of Indonesia. He found this opinion in the Hall of the National Library. Pram considers the government to have failed to learn from cases in the Dutch colonial era.
Previously, the Dutch colonialists had underestimated the archipelago as a maritime country. This failure made the Dutch lose the war with outsiders. First, losing to England. Second, losing to Japan.
Perhaps the Dutch colonialists are famous for their war fleet. They often managed to kill the steps of the bumiputras who were considered rebels. However, this great power did not apply when the Dutch fought other countries. Britain and Japan, for example.
The weapons and strategy of the colonial government of the Dutch East Indies were not enough to silence opponents. The Dutch are often the losing parties. Take for example when England began to dare to play the war against the Dutch.
Britain was able to make Dutch troops run out in 1811. In fact, there was no significant resistance by the Dutch. This embarrassing condition was also present when the Dutch fought Japan. The Dutch are confident of the strength they have. Moreover, the opponent is the Asian people.
Something they think is no superior to European countries. In fact, countries they underestimate can speak a lot. The Dutch were able to be paralyzed by Japan in a measured manner. Japan's victory was none other than because the Dutch had made a mistake.
The Dutch are accused of turning a blind eye to the archipelago as a maritime country. Instead of making a sea defense, the Dutch actually used land defense. That too with ancient weapons of war and military. This strategy made Japan free to tear apart the Dutch.
Of course, the collapse of the Dutch East Indies was not only due to a bad relationship between the regime and the people, but also lies in the weakness of its ancient military tools and infrastructure. The Netherlands has not experienced international war in its true sense. However, if the people sided with the Dutch East Indies, and participated in the war against Japan voluntarily, it is possible that the regime could last long.
"This will give allies more time to retaliate against Japanese attacks. At least it can also result in Japan's occupation in Indonesia being something very expensive, because it must oppress the pro-Dutch East Indies sentiments and the attitude of not wanting to cooperate with Japan," said Historian Ong Hok Ham in the book Wahyu yang Hilang, Negeri Yang Guncang (2018).
The failed strategy that was perpetuated by the Dutch in fact never drowned. This strategy was actually used by the government when Indonesia Merdeka. Mainly, during the New Order (Orba) era. New Order rulers often 'dedicate' the military support of the Army (AD). In fact, Indonesia is known as a maritime country.
Sastrawan Pramoedya Ananta Toer really highlighted this. Even though the New Order era has changed with the reform era. He considered the government not to want to learn. The owner of power is considered to perpetuate great support for the AD military compared to the Navy (AU).
اقرأ أيضا:
The tetralogy of Buru Island reveals that the owner of power should not learn from the wrong example. He did not want the same incident 'like the Dutch colonialists' to repeat itself. He firmly considered maritime to be the real power of Indonesia. He said this opinion in a speech entitledArti Important History when filling events at the National Library on July 14, 1999.
The Dutch East Indies' defense is based on the ground defense. And the ground defense is maintained by its current system. Even though the Indonesian defense system has to be sea defense. One proof of the weakness of land defense for maritime countries. In 1811, when the Dutch East Indies were locked up by the British from the sea, within days of raising their hands.
When attacked by Japan in 1942, he also raised his hand in a few days. So if it continues until now, it is no longer a mistake, but a mistake. The problem is the courage to correct mistakes. Whether it's courage is up to the younger generation who have not been fixated on a system," explained Pramoedya Ananta Toer in his speech.
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