
YOGYAKARTA Manipulative behavior is psychologically defined as the use of influence on the use of mental distortion, emotional exploitation with the aim of seizing control, power, advantage, and privilege. In a very competitive society, manipulative properties are often considered toxic because the manipulator has a specific goal. Here are five motives of persons who are manipulative according to professor and author of Communication Success with Four Personality Types, Preston Ni.

To get a superior position, a manipulator designs a scenario that causes the victim to feel inferior, incapable, insecure, and/or hesitant. For example, by providing a negative assessment and criticism continuously, embarrassing, smallest treatment, a person can be manipulative to feel superior.

Berrbeda dengan motif yang pertama, motif kedua dari orang berberaku manipulat adalah untuk mendapatkan bantuan atau komitmen dari orang lain. Cara ini biasanya dilakukan dengan memberikan kekalian tetapi tidak salah, ke closean paling, atau memberikan retang-balik yang tidak diseportional, serta memberikan janji-janji tertentu yang membuat korban merasa aman.

As stated above, manipulative behavior can be done because it is to control other people. Such as by lying or making certain reasons that blame the victim so that it can be controlled. Sometimes it also hides important or excessive information so that information biases.

The motive for the person who is the fourth person is called strategic inability which is designed to exploit the victim's good intentions. That way, the victim will feel guilty, feel responsible, and be obliged to protect and care for persons who are manipulative. Sometimes manipulative people also dramatize the situation so that it is given a special place.

Not much different from the first and third motives, by carrying out aggression that seem harassing, intimidating, and mentally violent, a person is looking to dominate and control his victims.

In addition to the five motives of the person who is manipulative above, manipulators do many ways to embrace their goals but harm their victims materially and mentally. Even though it's bad, launching Psychology Today, Monday, November 13, manipulators may have or will receive bad consequences. Such as experiencing physical, mental, and emotional stress or experiencing fatigue.

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