
JAKARTA - The household of the footballer pair Gunawan Dwi Cahyo with Okie Agustina is not doing well. The reason is circulating that Gunawan Dwi Cahyo had an affair with Pasha Ungu's ex-wife.

However, it turns out that this is not just a rumor, because in an upload on his Instagram story, Okie shared a conversation with someone who was reporting her husband's affair.

"Mba oki, sorry before I had a photo of your husband with another woman. Sent to a friend at that time at the Toneetos cafe on 23 okt. But the photo was a bit blurry from afar," wrote one account to Okie Agustina quoted by VOI from Instagram @okieagustina_, Wednesday, November 8.

In the conversation, it was suspected that Gunawan Dwi Cahyo was known to be walking with a woman at a cafe in Kediri City.

Seeing this, Okie wrote how grateful he was because he was given instructions by God. He said that although he could not see for himself but was assisted by being'shown' by others.

"O Allah. My eyes can't really see it. But Allah sent another eye to see it," wrote Okie.

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