
Actress Hana Hanifah accompanied by her attorney Acong Latief was present at the Bogor Religious Court to fulfill the call for the first divorce hearing with a mediation agenda on Wednesday, October 25.

Hana, who has only been married for one month with Randy Batah, admitted that she was ready to face her first divorce trial this time.

"Well, many things are being considered, the mental lawsuit, Hana is ready, facing this first trial," said Hana Hanifah at the Bogor Religious Court, Wednesday, October 25.

In addition, this 28-year-old woman confirmed that she was determined to divorce Randy and did not want any mediation between her and her husband.

"I don't want mediation, because I really want to get divorced," continued Hana.

It is known that Hana is confident to divorce her husband who married her on September 8. The main reason she sued Randy was because of the affair committed by her husband.

Hana herself through her attorney filed for divorce online on October 8 to the Bogor Religious Court.

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