
YOGYAKARTA Obesity is an accumulation or buildup of excess fat tissues and can have an impact on a person's health. Obesity can be overcome with a strict diet and increases physical activity.

However, in the case of extem obesity or always failing to run the weight loss program, one solution is to do bariatric surgery. This is a type of operation to overcome obesity. For more details, see the following article.

It has been mentioned above that one type of operation that can be done to overcome obesity is bariatric surgery.

Quoted from AI Care, bariatric surgery (bariatric surgery) is a surgical method used to help lose weight, especially for obese people who have difficulty losing weight to the ideal number.

There are three types of bariatric surgery to lose weight, including:

The three types of bariatric operation above can drive a significant weight loss in a relatively short time.

However, this type of surgery to overcome obesity cannot be done by everyone.

According to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, bariatric operations are only allowed for eligible obese sufferers, including:

People with conditions cannot lose weight even though they have undergone various weight loss programs

According to doctor Errawan Wiradisuria, the president of the Indonesian Endolaparoscopic Surgery Association (PBEI), and the secretary general of the Indonesian Digestive Surgery Association, there is one more patient qualification that is considered for undergoing bariatric surgery, namely people with body mass indexes below 30, but have comorbidities such as heart disease, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia (fat excess in the blood), asthma, hypercodesteroleemia (excess cholesterol in the blood).

If all indications are eligible for bariatric surgery, the doctor will determine what method will be used to lose the patient's weight.

That's information about types of operations to deal with obesity. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.

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