YOGYAKARTA - Who doesn't want to work abroad? Of course this is a dream from many young people! But the problem is, how do you work abroad?
We cannot deny that working abroad will provide us with many benefits apart from careers and salaries, our social status in society can be raised.
Now! This time we will learn several ways to work abroad, let's see how below!
Saat ini, metode kerja di luar negara terbilang lebih mudah, sebab seluruh data tentang pekerjaan yang mau dapat dicari di internet, tercatat persyaratan serta jenis pekerjaan yang lagi diperlukan saat ini.
Well, for those of you who are interested, there are some methods of work abroad, are the following:
1. Find Vacancies Via Job Portal
Like in Indonesia, the first overseas work technique is to find vacancies through the job portal. When you look for it, there are already many job portals that share data about job vacancies abroad.
You can use these various portals to find work suitable for attention and attention. If you have obtained the appropriate one, prepare the requirements and the job page.
2. Exploring the Volunteer Program
The next method of work outside the country is exploringvolunteer programs. Generally, many institutions openvolunteer programs in parts of the country. Well, to start a career abroad, you can explore the program, in order to increase your experience. However, you need to know, if you become a majority volunteer, you are not paid a fixed salary.
However, the organizing agency will always bring you other benefits, such as allowances and accommodation. For those of you who are looking for work tips abroad for high school graduates, being avolunteer can be the solution.
3. Become Freelancer
So freelancers or freelancers are one of the methods of work abroad without a budget. By becoming freelancers, you can work anytime and from anywhere.
This method is appropriate for those of you who want to feel the work of foreign companies, but are still not ready to live in their country. As usual, you must have the ability to work as freelancers.
4. Exploring the Internship Program from Destination Country
Next, the method of working abroad is exploring internship programs from destinationing state companies. Generally, foreign companies open internship programs for all people from any country. To obtain the data, you can open the web from the company you want to go to.
Well, for those of you who are fresh graduate, exploring internships is a working method outside the country that is right for a bachelor's degree graduate, because generally it does not require special abilities.
5. Through Agent
Outside the country, there are many job vacancies for various levels of education, including graduates of Vocational High School (SMK). So, you don't need to be afraid of the education you currently have. There is also one method of working outside the country that graduates from SMK and equivalently is through channeling agents.
If you use this method, agents will generally share various supports, ranging from taking care of files to finding a place to live. However, you need to be vigilant and ensure that the agent you choose has been trusted, so as not to become a victim of fraud.
6. Worker Exchange
Kiat kerja di luar negara berikutnya adalah lewat pembagaan pekerja. Yup, tidak hanya buat pelajar, program pembelaran juga ada yang buat pekerja, tak.
Generally, this program is organized by the company for its employees. So, you can find out if you have this program. If so, use the exchange program to gain work experience abroad.
7. Propose Working Holiday Visa
For those aged 18-30 years, you can work abroad by submitting a Working Holiday VISA (WHV). Owning a WHV, allows you to work all over a vacation abroad, isn't it interesting?
However, this method of working abroad has a time limit, where WHV only applies for 1 or 2 years depending on the destination country.
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Work Requirements Abroad
After recognizing how to work abroad, you can be more mature to work outside the country, right? If so, you need to prepare work conditions abroad carefully, so that your process of finding work is easier.
In fact, the provisions that must be prepared are not very different from those in Indonesia, namely CV, portfolio, diploma, recommendation letter, and other supporting documents. However, there are some other provisions for work abroad that you must fulfill, including:
So after knowing several ways to work abroad, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!
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