
JAKARTA - Children under five may not yet realize that hitting can be painful. This can be caused by the fact that they have not fully developed feelings of affection until the age of 3 years.

In addition, there are seven other causes that can cause children to like to hit them during tantrums. The following VOI describes further reasons, reported by the Parents page, Friday, September 29.

Like adults, toddlers can feel bored, hungry, tired, and overwhelmed. The difference is that they don't have verbal skills to identify and communicate these emotions, so they can make them urine.

"Because the vocabulary of toddlers has not yet fully developed, they tend to use their bodies to show feelings or retaliation for disputes," saidtta Schechter, MD, a professor of pediatrics at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in Chile, New York.

You may have noticed that your little one hits more often when playing with kids the same age. This may happen because they are around other kids taking their toys or pushing them to the ground. The anger or disappointment that children feel is difficult to control, they express their emotions by hitting.

When toddlers feel bad day, they may get fussy because they are angry and don't have much skills to deal with.

Even children who don't hit or bite often can lose control when they are stressed or have a tiring day, says Dr. Schechter.

Your child may have seen relatives or people around him fight with his friends and want to do it too.

"For some children, there are trial and error factors," said Jennifer Shu, MD, FAAP, a pediatrician in Atlanta.

"They see other people hitting and thinking, 'Hmm, let's see how it feels," continued dr. Shu.

Some children are born with a harsh personality and tend to express anger with violence. Stanley Turecki, MD, a child psychiatrist and family and author of The Troubled Child explains that there are children who can release anger casually, but there are also those who prefer the 'fight' mode.

Children under five constantly ask themselves, 'If I do this, what will happen?' It got carried away in their relationships with other people, said Theodore Dix, Ph.D., professor of emeritus of human development and family science at the University of Texas at Austin.

"They don't have the skills to get what they want in a natural way, so they may act coercively or be too opposed, namely by hitting" he explained.

Although tantrum children do not understand the impact of this behavior, as parents it is important to stop them from doing so. Several ways to stop your little one from hitting, namely immediately overcome this behavior, find out the cause, be proactive, be calm, show empathy, relate their actions to other people's feelings, practice problem solving, monitor their media consumption, and don't beat children.

Although hitting action is quite worrying, remember that usually there is no evil intention behind this action. Little people mean well, they just need to learn a better way of expressing their feelings.

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