
YOGYAKARTA Many ways to build a cool home atmosphere even during the dry season. One of them is by planting ornamental plants that effectively absorb carbon dioxide. These plants have leaf pores that effectively reduce carbon dioxide in the air around the house for photosynthesis. This absorption process is called evapotranspiration and cools plants the same as human-transspiration. Because of this process, the air temperature at home decreases and reduces heat. What plants are these? Here's the list.

This plant is very easy to grow in many regions in Indonesia. The species of rubber tree plants absorb water through roots and then release moisture through pores located below the leaves. Well, the more leaves this plant has, the more moisture is released. But when planting it at home, place this thick leafy ornamental plant in a shady place. This is because rubber trees need a bright room but are not resistant to direct exposure to the hot sun.

You are certainly familiar with this beautiful plant. Usually grown as a hanging plant. In addition to cooling, this plant can suck up formaldehyde, xilena, and toluene from the air. Pakis prefers a partial shade. They like morning and evening sunlight, but cannot survive exposure to the hot sun. Please note, this plant requires abundant watering, quality soil, and a wide space to grow.

Known as popular as in-laws' tongue plants, this plant has the ability to clear the air and regulate room temperature. This species is very resistant to unfavorable environmental conditions, such as dry air and heat, lack of water, and little light. It is recommended to water only when the media is last used to dry up.

These propagating plants are able to regulate temperature, as well as eliminate indoor pollutants such as formaldehyde, xilena, and benzene. As indoor plants, the height can reach a few meters if given sufficient care. The best results are achieved by providing indirect light. This plant tolerates intense luminosity, but direct sunlight in a long time will burn the leaves. Generally it only needs to be watered when the soil feels dry when touched.

This plant is a plant that can improve air quality and absorb heat quickly to balance room temperature in its place. Indoors, ideally place it in a bright location but not exposed to direct sunlight. This beautiful plant, only needs two watering times more water each week. But in the rainy season, it only needs to be watered once a week.

This sharp-looking plant, has many benefits for care. Gelnya baik untuk perawatan rambut dan kulit. Menawati tanaman ulu aga is very simple karena merupakan tanaman yang hanya membutuhkan sedikit perawatan.

You can only water it if the soil looks dry. Watering in winter, no more than once a month. This requires a lot of light, so it's important for you to put it in a place that receives the most sunlight, for example near the window.

Peace shot is known as a tumple flower plant, whose flowers emit a fragrant aroma. This plant is also able to absorb excess moisture so that it normalizes temperature. In order to develop in perfect conditions, place it in a warm place, away from direct sunlight. Flush with water to keep the soil moist. You can fill the spray and water it every day.

Aglonema plants are plants that thrive easily. Generally grow less than half a meter and help remove harmful toxins from household air. At the same time, it moisturizes indoors and cools the temperature. There are many types of plant leaves of this. If your goal is to cool the environment, choose those whose leaves are thick. It is important to note that the leaves contain irritants that can be toxic to pets.

The above are eight plants that help absorb heat and make your house feel cooler. You can plant it in the house, it can also be placed on the terrace or front yard of the house.

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