
JAKARTA - Aulia Sarah, who had the opportunity to act on the theater stage for the first time, got a role that was not easy. He played the character Pocut Limpah in the Jalasena theatrical performance Laksamana Malahayati. Pocut Limpah himself is the Intelligence Commander of the Aceh Sultanate who infiltrated the trust of the King of Ubit. Pocut is often referred to as the Lion Malahayati. Aulia Sarah, who has Acehnese descent, said she was proud of the opportunity given. She felt there was a responsibility to introduce Pocut Limpah as one of the Indonesian female figures. “ I feel very proud to be involved in this performance by playing Pocut Limpah, a figure likened to his ‘singa ’ Malahayati,” Aulia Sarah said in her statement last week. "It feels like carrying out the task and calling of the heart as a woman of Acehnese descent to celebrate how great the patriotic figure of Malahayati," he continued. To be able to play Pocut Limpah well on the theater stage, Aulia Sarah did a small research to get to know the figure of Pocut. This was done as an effort to ask permission from the figure played. “ Almost every role I make introductory discussions with the person I play. It was like a kind of kulonuwun or permissivity. Even the discussion I did after I read on the internet, both the story and the description of Mrs. Pocut herself,” said Aulia Sarah.

Appearing on the theater stage is also an unforgettable experience for Aulia Sarah. He said there were different feelings while acting under the spotlight of the stage lights and the atmosphere of the stage. “ And after playing, I think all film actors should try the theater. It's a kind of lessons, a lot of new knowledge is really used in the movie acting, ” concluded Aulia Sarah.

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