
JAKARTA - Waking up with a swollen face in the morning doesn't always show you're getting enough sleep. Most of the problems of waking up with a swollen face in the morning are caused by easy-to-repair lifestyle behavior, said Donna Casey, MD, an internal medicine expert at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas in Dallas, Texas.

But in some cases, a swollen face in the morning can be a sign of health problems. So, how to know what causes waking up with a swollen face? This guide can help you find out. In addition, learn what you can do to get rid of the swelling.

Consumption Of Salty Or Sweet Foods Before Sleep

Foods such as pizza, French fries, cakes, and pastries contain high amounts of sodium and sugar. This content can cause fluid retention that can make your face swell in the morning, according to Dr. Casey. The swelling will be felt around the eyes, stomach, hands, and feet as reported by Livestrong, Monday, September 25.

This may sound counter-intuitive, but you can cope with fluid retention on your face caused by salted or sweet foods by drinking a lot of water. Drinking more water will encourage your body to emit excess fluids in it so that it can reduce swelling.

Too Much Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol initially acts as a diuretic, prompting you to urinate more. But if it's too much, the body will actually hold back the fluid and cause some parts of the body to swell, especially if you drink in a state of dehydration.

How to overcome this is by consuming a lot of water. Getting more fluid will send a signal to the body that you are not dehydrated.

Too Much Sleep

Too much sleep can make you look lethargic, not fresh.

Too much sleep can lead to fluid retention in the face, says Dr. Casey.

Lying on your stomach for hours can cause the fluid to accumulate on your face (instead of being pulled towards your feet due to gravity). Plus, you will get more water because you don't urinate for hours.

Swelling on the face because lying down for too long will subside after you wake up and start moving. Tips on avoiding swollen faces due to too long sleep are buying additional pillows to keep your head high, advises the National Library of Medicine. Aligned sleep will prevent excess fluids from flooding around your face and eyes.

Menstruation Cycle

Hormonic fluctuations that occur a few days or weeks before menstruation can make your face swollen and moisturized, as well as other body parts.

Mood swings, irritability, lack of food, breast pain, headaches, and fatigue are common. These are some of the most common symptoms of pre-menstruation syndrome (PMS), notes the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG).

You can relieve swollen faces due to PMS by paying attention to salt intake and limiting caffeine and alcohol.

Fill in your plate with healthy and fiber-rich carbohydrates such as seeds, nuts, lentils, and vegetables as well. This food can help fight the desire to eat salty or sweet foods that can worsen swelling.

Experiencing Contact Dermatitis

Trying a new personal care product on the face of the night before bedtime or are you wearing new jewelry? If you wake up with a swollen face accompanied by redness, itching, or irritation, your skin may have an allergic reaction.

The dust buoy, pet fur, and the new detergent used to wash sheets or pillows are another common cause, said Dr. Casey.

The compress of cold water and giving hydrocortison creams such as Cortizone-10 can help relieve swelling and relieve itching.

Fix the cream in the refrigerator before it is applied can make it more calming, reported by the Mayo Clinic. And if you can identify the allergen cause, make sure to avoid it. Your skin will start to look (and feel) better in a few days.

Experiencing Infection

"Sinus infections, dental infections, and even severe acne can cause inflammation in or around the face that causes swelling," notes Dr. Casey.

Other symptoms will depend on the type of infection you are experiencing. Sinus infections can cause nasal congestion and pain or pressure around the nose or below the eye, while dental infections usually cause pain and sensitivity to the mouth. Acne infections are usually characterized by acne with pain and swelling.

Find medical treatment if infection causes facial swelling. Your health care provider can determine the causes of infection and the types of treatment required, such as antibiotics for sine infection or dental care for dental infection. If the cause is acne (and it disturbs you), consider meeting a dermatologist.

Experiencing Sleep Apnea

Apnea sleeps that are not well managed can cause loud snoring and fatigue during the day or headaches and make your face swollen in the morning. Anyone can be hit by sleep apnea, but it is most common for adults who are older or obese.

Meet your doctor if you experience sleep apnea symptoms. Mild symptoms can often be treated with weight loss or changing sleep position. If your symptoms are severe, the doctor may recommend a continuous positive respiratory tract (CPAP) to keep your airway open while sleeping, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

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