
YOGYAKARTA If you suddenly want to eat ice cream or other sweet foods without a clear reason, it might be called food shipping. Food shipping is a strong desire or desire to eat certain foods experienced by more than 90 percent of the world's population. This desire is very difficult to ignore and has the potential to thwart the healthy diet you are proposing.

Don't worry if you experience food shipping. Because this desire or desire can be managed effectively with the following steps below.

Kalori is fuel for the body to function properly. Without sufficient calories and nutrients, the face if your body gives a signal to eat so that it can cause food shipping.

Although the relationship of appetite and calories is very complex, research shows that short-term calorie restrictions can increase appetite. Restrictions on long-term calorie consumption, may be associated with overall and specific food consumption. That's why it is recommended to fill the body with healthy food consistently so as to help reduce appetite.

Tight diets are likely to fail just because they want to eat certain foods. Many diets are too restrictive and this causes food shipping. In fact, some studies show that people who go on strict diets more often experience food shipping than people who don't go on a diet. Therefore, even if you go through a healthy diet by limiting eating certain foods, don't be too strict. It's better to focus on a diet that provides good nutrition and can occasionally eat your favorite foods.

Although hunger is a natural signal of the body, there is no need to be afraid. But don't feel very, very hungry that can increase the risk of food shipping too much. Because when you are very hungry, it is likely that you haven't filled your body's fuel for a long time. As a result, blood sugar is low and leads to consumption of high-energy foods to restore normal blood sugar levels. Launching Healthline, Sunday, September 17, stable blood sugar levels are less likely to absorb excessive foods.

A simple way to control appetite, feel full longer, and stabilize blood sugar is to enjoy foods that increase appetite. Such as macronutrients, in the form of fats, carbohydrates, and protein. Protein, which is a saturating macronutrient, also helps control appetite.

Too busy with calories can take up time, energy, and mental energy. This can cause your relationship with food to be damaged and trigger stress. It's better not to limit eating certain foods too much. Try to eat according to the calorie target your body needs so that you don't have excessive food or overeat later.

To improve overall health, regulate weight, and feel in the best condition, it is important to limit the intake of certain foods. Especially foods high in sugar and products that are overprocessed. However, it is too restrictive to have a negative effect, so it is best to eat flexibly and not stiffly so as to increase weight loss.

Blood sugar can fluctuate after the last few moments you eat. This causes a lot of fever for certain foods, especially carbohydrate-rich rights. In a study, uncontrolled blood sugar levels are associated with excessive appetite for carbohydrates. So it's no surprise that your blood sugar levels are low, the body will activate a brain area that encourages the desire to eat high calorie foods. If you are aware of stagnant at certain times, it may mean you don't manage blood sugar levels and give your body enough fuel.

In addition to eating to regulate blood sugar, it is also necessary to manage stress to prevent food shipping. Many studies attribute stress to increasing appetite. So if you are stressed, try taking time to relax.

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