
YOGYAKARTA Palliative care is a special treatment for patients suffering from serious illness, such as cancer and AIDS (Acquired Imune Deficiency Syndrome). The type of palliative treatment provided by medical personnel aims to improve the quality of life of patients as well as their families. For more information, see the following article.

Palliative care is a special treatment for a patient as well as his family who has serious illness and cannot be cured.

This treatment is not only limited to taking action to relieve pain, but also helps alleviate physical, social, and spiritual problems faced by patients during treatment.

Some serious illnesses that can get palliative treatment include:

The palliative treatment is carried out with the principle of providing support to patients to be more enthusiastic and have a strong desire for treatment.

During treatment, doctors will help relieve the symptoms felt by the patient. Palliative care main officers are Palliative or practitioner medicine specialists who have received training.

In palliative care, there will be many health workers involved, such as specialist doctors, nutritionists, pharmacists, nurses, therapists, psychologists to spiritual advisors.

There are a number of procedures that must be carried out in palliative care, including:

As mentioned above, palliative care is provided for patients suffering from serious illness in the hope of increasing expectations of life and recovery.

The types of palliative treatments for people with serious diseases include:

That's information about the type of palliative care. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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