8 Detox Drinks For Natural And Easy Kidneys
Kidney illustration (Unsplash)


YOGYAKARTA Kidney detoxs can actually be done by consuming certain drinks. This is done to help clean the kidneys so that kidney performance can be more optimal and health is maintained. So what are detox drinks for the kidneys?

As is known, the function of the kidneys is to filter the content of toxins in the bloodstream. The function of the kidneys is very important so that their health needs to be considered. One way to keep the kidneys healthy is to drink kidney detox drinks. Here are some drinks that can be an option for you.

Mineral water or running water is very good for the kidneys because it helps clean the kidneys of the remaining toxins that have been filtered and then released through urine. To get these benefits, you must drink mineral water according to the recommended portion but not too much. For men, it is recommended to drink at least 13 glasses of water every day, while for women at least 9 glasses of water per day.

Who would have thought, lemons that taste acid help clean the kidneys. The reason is that the citric acid contained in lemons will help prevent the buildup of calcium crystals that trigger kidney stones. You simply make lemon juice and consume it regularly.

Not only helping to warm the body, ginger water also helps detox the kidneys. Even the benefits of ginger water are preventing and dissolving kidney stones. In addition, kidney spices also help ward off free radicals in the body. It is recommended to consume ginger water every week to help prevent kidney disorders.

The turmeric is not only used as a food supplier, but as an herbal ingredients to clean the kidneys. An antioxidant and anti-inflammatory turmeric will prevent inflammation in the kidneys. The way to consume turmeric wedang for the kidneys is to boil turmeric and drink warm boiled water.

Dandelion tea or commonly known as diruretic sanded flower so as to ease the burden of the kidneys removing poison. This tea has a variety of senayawa, one of which is potassium which replaces the loss of the substance because it is wasted through urine. The way to make tea dandelion is to brew dry flowers, then drink them. You can add other spice mixtures to get the benefits.

Jusmen is useful for nourishing urinary and kidney tracts. This fruit is able to help remove toxins in the body because it contains antioxidants. The content also prevents urinary tract infection. Meanwhile, to clean the kidneys, fire can be consumed by making juices. However, make sure the selected fruit is fresh and when the manufacture is not mixed with sugar or other non-organic substances.

To help clean your kidneys, you can consume bit fruit juice. The drink has betaine which is useful for maintaining kidney health. In addition, bit fruit has strong antioxidants that help maintain urine acidity. The effect that can be caused when drinking bit fruit juice is cleaning calcium phosphate and structure in the kidneys so that the function of the internal organs remains optimal.

Apple essence also helps you clean your kidneys. However, it should be noted that apple vinegar vinegar taste is quite acidic, which has the potential to cause discomfort in the throat. This drink contains antioxidants and citric acid that can break down kidney stones as well as remove toxins in the kidney organs.

That's information regarding detox drinks for the kidneys. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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