
YOGYAKARTA In the context of relationships or romantic relationships, there is a term closure. The term has been widely used lately. In general, closure in relationships is associated with the end of commitment. Then what is closure in actual relationships?

literally, closure means closure. In the context of a relationship involving feelings of love, closure can be defined as the end of a relationship built on the commitment of two couples.

Closure in relationships can also be interpreted as the condition of the end of a relationship accompanied by an explanation from a partner. The explanation is related to many things ranging from reasons, conditions, and many more.

Giving an explanation as part of the closure is done not only to emphasize status, but to avoid uncertainty to help couples make peace with each other more. That way the couple can accept reality and be able to live a new relationship that is expected to be healthier.

The need for closure in a relationship is based on the benefits that each individual will get and feel, which is as follows.

The decision to end the relationship always leaves a painful impression. However, the closure will help reduce the negative impression. Therefore closure needs to be done openly and with a cool head.

The termination of a unilateral love relationship has the potential to cause an unclear relationship. To clarify the clarity of the relationship, it is necessary to cover it so that each individual can be healthier in living the next love life.

Closure can also reduce feelings of hurt. Because closure must be done by prioritizing honesty, acceptance, and discussions that can be accepted by both individuals.

When the closure is carried out, the potential to recover from a broken heart can be faster because there has been an agreement between each individual to end the relationship. Thus psychological conditions remain healthy.

Ending a relationship with a closure is also a form of maturity in love. When relationships are resolved in an adult way, painful things can be minimized. In addition, each individual can establish relationships with others peacefully

How to apply closure to relationships can be done in various ways, but in essence it is the same, namely prioritizing adult talks and both minimizing the negative impact of separation, both on yourself and your ex-partner. There are ways that can be applied as follows.

This method is important to do in order to achieve closure in relationships. Chats that are carried out must be related to relationships, not widening on other themes. Talk about what is in each other's heads about the relationship that has been going on.

If forced to end the relationship, then express the reason frankly. This method is done so that each individual can accept this reason.

The feeling of sadness that arises after the relationship ends is normal. So you are allowed to feel these feelings. However, it must be done properly so as not to drag on.

Iklhas' feelings also determine how quickly you recover from sadness. Apply this feeling so that you can continue your next life.

That's information related to what closure is in a relationship. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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