
JAKARTA - Entering adolescence, children will experience many changes ranging from physical to emotional maturity. At this stage of development, children will also experience a period of searching for identity to get to know themselves better.

Before getting to know about identity crisis, let's first understand what identity is. Identity is the understanding or recognition of individuals about themselves or their identity. Identity formation requires the development of emotions and acceptance of unique characteristics for each individual. Meanwhile, crisis is an acute problem that requires solution or solution in a short time.

Teenagers aged 12-17 years often experience an identity crisis. This is because teenagers often experience physical development, emotional abilities, and psychologically.

Some factors that can affect the psychological abilities of teenagers include:

So, from the four factors above, teenagers will begin to analyze and wonder who he really is.

Apart from being part of the development of youth, according to dr. Benita Kurniadi, Ai-Care's Team of Doctors, said that identity crises can also be caused by several things, such as;

The identity crisis of teenagers is usually characterized by symptoms like;

What needs to be remembered is that identity crisis is not a psychological problem. However, an identity crisis that is not handled or continues for a long time will result in a decline in mental health. Mental disorders most often occur due to a continuous identity crisis are depression.

The signs of depression in adolescents can be seen from the loss of interest and interest in things that are usually enjoyed or liked. Losing feelings of happiness or loss of hope, frequent fatigue, being easily offended, losing appetite or losing weight, and concentration disorders, decreased energy motivation, and sleep disorders.

1. Exploring yourself

Take time to see yourself, by recognizing what you like, what you don't like, and your identity.

2. Seek personal pleasure

This includes finding pleasure that can make yourself happy, such as exercise, traveling, or gathering with loved ones.

3. Ignore the assessment of those around you

Try to ignore the judgment or assessment of people around you that may interfere with your feelings and thoughts.

4. Find support system

Support system is an individual that provides support, respect and attention to others. Find your support system or support group. Being in an environment that supports you, can help you identify yourself.

5. Seek expert help

If you are experiencing an identity crisis that continues for a long time to show signs of depression, then hurry up and get help from an expert.

For parents whose children are experiencing an identity crisis, don't forget to continue to support your child through these important times.

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